
High times fallout new vegas
High times fallout new vegas

high times fallout new vegas

If you can beat one of the various skills checks, you should. She’s just using the caravan as an excuse and hopes to get you to recover it for free. Note that the caravan should be there regardless. If you want to dungeon crawl, kill some giant rats and find a unique version of the Varmint Rifle, the Ratslayer, then feel free to go and check. It’s inside Broc Flower Cave and it has the necessary caps onboard. Talk to her to find out that she can’t pay off her rather large debt because she lost her caravan. She can usually be found by the main gate close to a fire. Lady Jane is the most interesting choice. He should happily agree to it and pay off his debt through his work. If you’re doing “ Wang Dang Atomic Tango” for Francine’s brother, you can offer to hire Santiago as the Smooth-Talker/Real Boyfriend. If you have more than 50 points in Speech you can convince him that Francine was angry enough to put a bounty on his head. As with Grecks, you can use SPeech to convince him to pay more than he has to. If you hit him through the dialogue option (don’t actually attack him), then he’ll fold and pay up. Santiago is just putting on his whole “VIP” act. The first is to follow Francine’s advice. Note that his special code for Mick and Ralph’s is a scam, although you do get some experience from getting him to cut the price for it in half through Barter. You have a few good options that don’t require any special skills. Santiago is another fairly easy collection.

high times fallout new vegas

With 60 Speech, you can even get him to give up his clothes. Note that if you have more than 40 points in Speech, you can convince him that he owes more and take the rest of his money for yourself. You should be able to do it with just the normal options. If you approach him then he should actually volunteer to pay it back. He’s actually begging for money and staying at a squatter camp. Grecks is the first one you should probably collect from, since he’s the easiest. All the people are around Freeside and they can generally be talked into paying without much trouble. Note that this debt collection can be really easy.

high times fallout new vegas

You can get 150 for collecting them, or with some skill in Barter you can get 300. She’ll mention that there are a few people with outstanding tabs and that it adds up to 600 caps. You just need to talk to Francine Garrett and ask for work.

High times fallout new vegas