
Catch you with my death bag
Catch you with my death bag

catch you with my death bag

  • Smear raspberry or strawberry jam underneath the lid.
  • Pour OJ into the jar until it’s about half full (orange soda or some sweet & fruity smelling liquid will also work).
  • Punch a hole into the jar lid that’s about as wide in diameter as the base of your pinky finger (you want the critters to have room to crawl in but not be able to fly out).
  • (No worries! You’ll still find the soda pop project I previously shared down below) Here’s a quick DIY I saw on my local news (tv) using an empty jar, orange juice and a bit of jam: The best way to get rid of them is to find the nest and destroy it, but if you can’t find it or if it’s not on your property, use traps to tempt them away from high-traffic areas to another part of the yard to kill them. These are not pests that you want zipping around, especially if you have children playing outdoors.

    catch you with my death bag

    Once you start regularly spotting them in your yard, it’s a good bet that there’s a nest on your property or nearby.

    catch you with my death bag

    If you’ve ever been stung by a wasp, you know they live up to their reputation of being angry, aggressive and producers of mean, painful stings.

    Catch you with my death bag